Mountain Top is a lovely short Qigong routine that opens the Qi channels and promotes deep relaxation. It allows the practitioner to focus on gratitude and receive good energy into their life circle. The original version was devised by Tai Chi Master Angus Clark.
Mountain Top Qigong
To start, stand in Wuji and engage Qigong breathing:
1. Raising
2. Opening
3. Gathering
4. Receiving
5. Centering
6. Circle of Life
7. Bringing good Qi into your life circle
8. Raising to the Heavens
9. Centering and Gathering
1. Raising
As you breath in raise your arms with palms facing down to shoulder height.
2. Opening
As you turn your palms to face away sink your Kua slightly allowing the Qi to sink to the Lower Dantien. Move the arms to the sides and down. Move the arms in to an open position and away to the sides of the body as you breath out and relax.
3. Gathering
Then start to circle the arms round until your palms are in front of the body and facing up allow the arms to be fairly extended in front of you. This is an opening and gathering movement.
When your arms are extended in front of you with palms facing up this is a moment of gratitude. Find something that you are grateful for and take a moment to feel the Qi in the palms of the hands.
4. Receiving
Bring the hands into the center of the body (around chest height) bringing in what you are grateful for.
5. Centering
Then turn the palms to face down and move the palms down towards the Lower Dantien.
6. Circle of Life
Float arms up to the sides of the body and turn to one side and then the other creating a circle. This is your life circle for all things past, present and future.
7. Bringing good Qi into your life circle
You then bring the arms gentle in and you bend the knees and gentle push the arms back out as you straighten the knees. This is done to bring good energy into your life circle. Repeat 3 times.
8. Raising to the Heavens
Then turn the palms to face the sky and raise arms above the head whilst lifting your head to face the warm sun.
9. Centering and Gathering
Bring the arms in with palms facing down to center and gather when the hands reach the Lower Dantien area you can start the whole sequence again and repeat as many times as you wish. Finishing by placing the palms of the hands on the Lower Dantien.
Below you will find a video to follow. The music I have used in the video is from Canva Editing but the music we used at the workshops, which everyone loved is called Mountain Call by Lua Maria and Adrian Freedman.
I hope you enjoy this lovely Qigong practice.
Tracey Lindsay